Monday, April 10, 2006

Fear and Loathing at the Cask and Flagon?

So yes, Poison the Well did descend upon the city tonight, but, unbeknownst to me, took the stage before 8 PM. At that I point I was somewhere in between driving home from work, cooking some sausage on the Foreman grill, and watching PTI on Tivo. I showed up to Axis aorund 9 PM to find a bouncer who told me me that the show was long over.

Luckily, I ran into my friend Ryan loading up their van afterwards, and we caught up and then went over to the newly renovated Cask and Flagon for some beers (in between passing by the losers camped outside of Fenway Park hoping to score opening day tickets). Whiffle ball was being played. I correctly declared them all "retahds."

The Cask and Flagon, while it used to be a real dump, is now packed with flatscreen TVs and has the sterility of a TGIFridays. As crazy as it may sound, this is actually a step up for the Cask and Flagon.

While there, we had a round bought for us by some PTW fans at the bar. Free Guinness = good times.

For some odd reason, Toto's Rosanna was on repeat on the jukebox, playing five times in a row before somebody put a stop to that madness. That song really doesn't work on repeat. Africa would have been much preferred.


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