Wednesday, May 24, 2006

All-Time Great Poster

You might ask, what qualifies this as an all-time great poster?

  1. First, this is obviously extremely persuasive in deterring those who might commit espionage from committing espionage (see Jerry Whitworth (row 3, column 1), owner of a 365 year sentence)
  2. The slogan doesn't really make sense, but its message is clear
  3. It's got a certain '80s cheesiness punctuated by the "Don't Be Next" entry. Sort of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Poster
  4. Row 1, Column 4: Earl E. Pitts has a name straight out of an Encyclopedia Brown story
  5. At least 4 or 5 of these guys have the classic pedophile look that we like to see on people we know are already in prison.
  6. Row 2, Column 3: The Dumbest Spy EVER!!!
    He's wearing a shirt that reads "KGB is for Me" (while drinking a beer and sporting a Family Ties-era (not that there was ever really any other era) Michael Gross beard and haircut, and a hideous hankerchief tied around his neck like he's a gay cowboy...but let's get back to the shirt). Did he make the shirt himself? If so, how displeased must his Soviet Superiors have been to discover this nimcumpoop? OR, did the KGB give him the shirt. How amused are we at the prospect of the KGB being a bunch of nimcumpoops?

The verdict is in: ALL-TIME GREAT


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